Fermented vegetables taste really good, but how do I eat them now?
bring life to your plate and your daily diet - with delicious and simple recipes

daikon kimchi
Noodle bowl with tofu, mushrooms and kimchi
Fancy a quick and healthy meal? Then our noodle bowl with tofu, mushrooms and spicy kimchi is just the thing for you - easy to prepare and full of umami.

daikon kimchi
Couscous bowl with colorful miso vegetables and kimchi dip
This bowl has it all! Try the perfect mix of couscous, colorful miso vegetables and a spicy kimchi dip. Full of flavor, healthy and super easy to prepare.

gurken kimchi
Green bowl with kimchi
Fresh, crunchy and full of flavor: our green bowl with kimchi is the perfect combination of healthy ingredients and spicy fermentation. Ideal for anyone who loves simple, delicious bowls!

gurken kimchi
Avocado sandwich with kimchi
Avocado sandwich is a classic! But have you tried it with spicy kimchi? If not, it's high time you tried this delicious combination!

daikon kimchi
Hummus sandwich with kimchi
Discover the perfect combination for your next snack: creamy hummus combined with spicy kimchi – a sandwich full of flavor and little effort. Fermented vegetables give that extra kick!

daikon kimchi
Smashed potatoes with "the new kimchi" and cheese alternative
Crispy potatoes with "the new kimchi" and Dr. Mannah's "chives" - the perfect combination

daikon kimchi
Fried pakoras with "the original kimchi
"fry the original kimchi" Indian style in a batter coat of chickpea flour? Marius shows you how it's done

daikon kimchi
Frische Waffeln mit Frühlingszwiebeln und original kimchi
Waffeln und Brunch gehören einfach zusammen und hier haben wir eine koreanisch angehauchte Variante

daikon kimchi
Classic kimchi pancakes with the original kimchi
Kimchijeon, also called kimchi-buchimgae, originates from Korea and is often called kimchi pancakes in our country