Besser als Gemüse

Fermented organic vegetables

naturally fermented

free from additives, we ferment the best organic ingredients according to traditional methods in our own manufactory

Vom Feld ins Glas

known from

A look behind the scenes

Many thought it was impossible to work completely naturally, without additives and sustainably in the modern food industry. We thought "no way, no how!" and started to ferment organic vegetables by hand with a lot of effort.

Here you can find us

on the refrigerated shelf

and how do i eat it now?

10 Ideen zum Upcycling unserer Gläser

10 ideas for upcycling our glasses

Our glasses are perfect for bringing creativity into your home. And we'll show you how - If you want to buy sustainably, you reach for glass - but surely you've heard someone say: "Glass is anythi...
Alles über Kimchi

All about kimchi

What makes a perfect kimchi? We enlighten you about the celebrated superfood - What the potato is in Germany, kimchi is in Korea: served with every meal, pickled Chinese cabbage is the national d...
Bei uns fließt 100% echter Ökostrom

With us flows 100% real green electricity

Our green power supplier Polarstern celebrates its 10th anniversary - Polarstern, one of very few "genuine" 100% green electricity providers, is a company that measures itself by values...
Einfache Tipps zum Re-use unserer Schraubgläser

Simple tips for re-using our screw jars

Too good for the bottle bank - We are often asked how our labels can be removed so that the screw jars can be reused. Those who know and use our products know that this is sometimes a bit more diff...
10 Ideen zum Upcycling unserer Gläser

10 ideas for upcycling our glasses

Our glasses are perfect for bringing creativity into your home. And we'll show you how - If you want to buy sustainably, you reach for glass - but surely you've heard someone say: "Glass is anythi...
Alles über Kimchi

All about kimchi

What makes a perfect kimchi? We enlighten you about the celebrated superfood - What the potato is in Germany, kimchi is in Korea: served with every meal, pickled Chinese cabbage is the national d...
Bei uns fließt 100% echter Ökostrom

With us flows 100% real green electricity

Our green power supplier Polarstern celebrates its 10th anniversary - Polarstern, one of very few "genuine" 100% green electricity providers, is a company that measures itself by values...
Einfache Tipps zum Re-use unserer Schraubgläser

Simple tips for re-using our screw jars

Too good for the bottle bank - We are often asked how our labels can be removed so that the screw jars can be reused. Those who know and use our products know that this is sometimes a bit more diff...
mild kimchi
mild kimchi
original kimchi
original kimchi

Sandwich with guacamole, salad and the original kimchi

Vegan, super easy and thanks to our kimchi with the extra portion of fresh-sour umami

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