Fermented vegetables taste really good, but how do I eat them now?

bring life to your plate and your daily diet - with delicious and simple recipes

Pflanzliche Köttbullar mit Kartoffelklößen, Cashewsauce und Fermenten
blueberry kraut

Köttbullar with potato dumplings, cashew sauce and ferments

Try our delicious recipe for plant-based köttbullar with potato dumplings, creamy cashew sauce and crunchy ferments – a delicious alternative for your cozy Christmas dinner!
Rote Beete Onigirazu gefüllt mit blueberry kraut und kurkuma blumenkohl
blueberry kraut

Beet Onigirazu stuffed with "the herb with cranberries" and "the turmeric cabbage".

Onigirazu rethought - the full load of vegetables with the vegetable wrap from Beetgold and fermented vegetables.
Bunte Gemüsebowl mit Black Bean Tempeh und blueberry kraut
blueberry kraut

Colorful vegetable bowl with black bean tempeh and "the herb with cranberries

Goodbye summer? No problem, with this bowl we bring back the summer!
Bauernsalat aus Gurke, Paprika, Zwiebeln und blueberry kraut
blueberry kraut

Farmer's salad of cucumber, peppers, onions and "the herb with cranberries".

This super simple but really tasty farmer's salad with our cranberry slaw is perfect for any cookout